17 Dec Five Ways By Which Meditation Boosts your IQ

Meditation and the brain work hand in hand with every inhalation and exhalation.

Meditation is known for its calming effects, but here’s the added benefits of meditation: it makes the brain grow in unbelievable ways !

From growth in memory to emotional intelligence, here is the whole package on how meditation can boost your brain, and your life!


Meditation Improves Both Long & Short Term Memory.

We all know that memory is a major component of both intelligence and IQ.

From studying for exams, to learning a new coding language, to remembering names, memory is essential to daily intellectual function.

Two key memory associated areas of the brain, the hippocampus and frontal brain lobe, both show significantly increased activity during meditation.

By stimulating these vital areas in meditation, both long and short term memory capacity increase, making your job, schoolwork, and daily life that much easier

Meditation Increases Brain Size.

By taking advantage of what scientists call “neuroplasticity”, researchers from the University of Wisconsin discovered that meditation beneficially increases the neural “gray matter thickness” of certain brain regions.

To put it another way, meditation makes your brain bigger, smarter, and faster, in the same way that physical exercise makes your muscles stronger denser and more explosive..

Contrary to the widely accepted scientific opinion of decades ago, the concept of neuroplasticity means that our intelligence is not genetically set from birth,  there are certain things we can do to improve our brain performance.

As evidenced by numerous studies, neuroscientists have pegged meditation as the leading brain enhancer, with the potential to increase intelligence on all levels..

Meditation Balances Your Left & Right Brain

Did you know that almost everyone uses one brain half more than the other, creating an imbalance?

Meditation has been proven to sync both brain hemispheres, allowing much faster neural communication and a much greater processing power.

When the logical left brain and creative right brain begin working in harmony, problem solving becomes easy, creativity multiplies exponentially, deep thinking becomes the standard, and focus and concentration magnify.

“Whole brain synchronization” is consistently shown in highly successful people, and you can achieve this mental state through meditation.

Meditation Advances Emotional Intelligence

Many people never learn to think through their emotions and address them in a reasonable manner, but instead are held prisoner by their reactions to outside stimuli.

Though you can’t control outside forces and circumstances, you can control how you respond to them.

Regular meditation will boost your “emotional intelligence” , which is the ability to tune into and listen to your feelings, then work through them in a calm and  thoughtful manner.

In addition, it also helps you read and appropriately respond to the emotional cues of other people. This is another intelligence that is somewhat difficult to measure, but incredibly important in the real world.


Meditation Boosts Insight & Intuition.

Inner intelligence is derived from developing & listening to your inner voice. Best known as insight and intuition, meditation is the key to tapping into both of these latent abilities.

While this specific type of intelligence can’t be gauged with quizzes or tests, it is highly valuable on all levels, stimulating insight, creativity, natural understanding without being taught, and helping you to see beyond what the five senses experience.

Inner intelligence, some would argue, is the most important type of intelligence for attaining success in the “real world”, once academic studies are complete.

Many successful  business people, including the late Steve Jobs, stated that their keen business acumen & revolutionary ideas came from their gut feelings (intuition) above all else.

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