09 May How Giuseppe Finds Meditation To Work Like A Charm!
Giuseppe is a great example of how meditation can be used to work for you! When the timing was off, he found a way to change it to a more apt time for him and managed to continue his practice. Meditation has no rules or limitations, and Giuseppe got that!
His meditation story is an awesome example of how we can let it cater to our needs and customize it to suit our timings! This has led to him sticking to his daily routine no matter what- so you might find some inspiration on how he does it!
Let’s begin:
Meditation is a beautiful way to merge spirituality and science. It’s a resource that I’m constantly building to bring joy in my life, to be aware of my body and feelings, and to be resilient in difficult moments.
2. Could you share some tips on meditation for beginners?
The turning point for me was reading some articles showing that mindfulness has a brain rewiring effect only if practiced on a daily routine. With this in mind, I suggest creating a routine: a daily time for meditation. Don’t hesitate to change it if the chosen moment does not immediately suit your needs. And don’t be hard on yourself if you miss a schedule.
3. What are a few challenges you have faced with meditation and how have you overcome them?
Setting up my daily routine was a little tough. I was starting early in the morning (most suggest it is a good time) but I wasn’t sleeping properly because of that. As result, during the meditation I was too distracted and I was tired during the day. Now I do it just before sleeping and it works like a charm.
4. How has Aware helped to make meditation easier for you?
Before Aware I felt the need of a relaxing music during meditation. But I wasn’t happy about that, I wanted to be able to focus without help. Aware voice guidance, intervening at the proper time, gives me the time to enjoy the ‘silence’ in between.
Also, I appreciated the graduality of the approach and the variety of techniques that allows learning.
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