14 Sep The Re-birth Of Happiness with Catherine Stewart!
“I sorely needed these skills as I am recovering and beginning life anew after thankfully surviving suicide.”
This is what Catherine had to say about changing her life around for the better. Once she completed Aware’s 21 day foundation course, she says that meditation has improved her life tremendously. She recalls being in the present as one of the things that helped.
“Instead of ruminating on past pain, shame, and loss, which leads me to depression; or worrying about what may happen that’s unpleasant in the future, which creates anxiety; I have been learning how to be, feel, and think RIGHT NOW without judgement or fear. This practice has lead me to increased calm, joy, love, knowledge, and acceptance of myself. I sorely needed these skills as I am recovering and beginning life anew after thankfully surviving suicide. ”
It hasn’t been easy for Catherine to turn her life around.
“I was so deeply depressed, anxiety-ridden, and in despair over physical pain, grief, emotional abuse, and utter lack of self-esteem, that I saw no way out and seriously tried to end my life. Thank God I didn’t die!”
One of the things we appreciate the most about her decisions, is the inner strength to turn her life around. Yes, we will be there to help teach you how to lead a mindful life, but it is ultimately your decision to want to change for the better.
“As I am discovering life again, I started meditating using Aware.”
Catherine is a great example of an individual who can inspire you to change your decisions. No matter how dark life may seem at this moment, the impetus of life itself suggests that light can be found at any moment from now- all you have to do is be calm and stay patient. Something can click, that will change every single thing you thought you knew. Along with this philosophy, the practice of meditation, and excellent counseling and reading great books like Navigating Your Mind, by Kristopher Walton, Catherine has been seeing a great psychiatrist, and learning how to live “in the now” which has given her a fresh new life.
Finally, Catherine says, “The absolute key in all of the help I’ve received is NO JUDGEMENT! Aware is great at teaching me to observe my thoughts without judgement. Then I can choose which thoughts to entertain & which to dismiss & refute. Empathy is the cure to shame. I finally love myself.”
We, at Aware, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Catherine Stewart, for not only having the inner strength and courage for turning your life around, but for also giving somebody, who desperately needs to read this, a real source of inspiration.
Nicky Tatem
Posted at 08:32h, 16 SeptemberGosh! I can relate to Catherine so much, ’cause I am going through the same phase in my life right now, where nothing seems alright. Reading this has given me so much hope. And I am sure there are millions more who are struggling like me, and I am so proud that I took the decision to take care of myself, and not fall into the vicious cycle. Aware has helped me too, to realize that my thoughts aren’t the reality; it’s just my mind playing games with me. The beautiful idea of just observing thoughts without judgement has made me neutral towards so many negative things around me, and I find peace there. I really want to thank Catherine, for sharing her story, It gives me strength.
Catherine S. Stewart
Posted at 10:16h, 16 SeptemberNicky,
We’re not alone, huh?! I’m so happy that you found hope & strength in what I shared.
Remember, you are valuable! You are deserving of joy in your life.
Posted at 10:02h, 16 SeptemberInspiring! The club of people whose lives have been changed by meditation, keeps getting bigger day by day, and each story is more touching than the other. I have been a member of this club since 3 years. Thank you, Aware, for sharing Catherine’s story. Wouldn’t be great if you guys could have Catherine interact with other people in your community?
Catherine S. Stewart
Posted at 10:25h, 16 SeptemberWow! You were inspired by me?! I’m so grateful!
I’d love to interact with anyone hurting & wanting to be heard.
Posted at 11:35h, 16 SeptemberHi Catherine,
Kristina here. Really inspired by your story.
I have been going through a lot of personal struggle due to loss of a loved one. I feel I have lost my emotional balance and it is impacting every aspect of my life. I know I need to do something, but I am not able to attain the courage to take up corrective measures. How & where should I begin?
Thank you.
Catherine S. Stewart
Posted at 23:38h, 16 SeptemberSweet Kristina,
I, too lost someone so dear to me. I stopped living & withdrew. Even when I realized that I needed help, I thought it would be some kind of failure to seek it. I was tragically mistaken. I got more & more depressed, letting every little negative thought or event heavily weigh on my well-being. Entertaining all this negativity, I spiraled down into such a hole that I saw no way out. I attempted to kill myself.
Ok, here’s where it gets good! Amazingly, I survived! A second chance.
I dismissed my false pride and embraced the help available. Take courage from my example. I was in a behavioral health center for a week. I paid attention & was open to the info presented. I made appointments with both a counselor & a psychiatrist; and KEPT THEM. I read good books like Navigating Your Mind by Kristopher Walton. I looked for other resources like “The Mindfulness Movie” and the Aware app.
You have the courage to watch a movie, use an app, or read a new book! See if there’s a grief recovery group where you live. Find a good counselor and keep your appointments!
I’ll be here to encourage you. You’ve encouraged me! Decide to live. That decision will give you the courage you need.
Scott McLean
Posted at 05:58h, 06 MarchWow! I’m so impressed with Catherine and beautiful honesty. Her picture and story was the first thing that caught my eye. I can totally empathize with her story. I tell myself every day that it’s okay to leave this world before my time, due to my hopeless battle with insomnia most of my life. Thanks for your courage Catherine:)
Catherine S. Stewart
Posted at 05:04h, 05 AprilDear Scott,
The battle is real, huh. I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling with your sleep. I can definitely empathize since I too wrestle with insomnia. I hope you are seeking help. Perhaps a Dr. who could prescribe something? Also, look into “sleep hygiene.” There are simple rules you can follow that might help.
You are so sweet to compliment me! That really made my day! We all need encouragement.
Wishing you health,