28 Jun 5 Essential Tips for Meditation

  • Adi Atar, Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master, meditation expert

While meditation is essentially a simple practice, there are a number of things you can do to enhance the experience. These tips may make all the difference to your meditation sessions, particularly if you are having difficulty truly relaxing and letting go.

1. Keep Interruptions to a Minimum

Ensure that you are not interrupted by first of all letting colleagues or family know that you are not to be disturbed. Turn off the phone, shut the door and close yourself off from the outside world. If you are constantly half listening for the phone or a door bell then it will be very difficult to concentrate when meditating. Setting aside the time and space for uninterrupted meditation will result in a far better experience.

2. Try to Meditate at the Same Time of Day

Most experienced meditators find that optimum times for meditation are around sunrise and sunset. By establishing a regular habit of meditating at these times, you will find it easier to settle into the rhythm of your meditation.

Meditating twice a day links us to the natural daily rhythms of our world, enabling us to tune into and use those rhythms for our own health and well-being. Many people find, on first taking up meditation, that it is difficult to set aside time for their practice. Sticking to a regular habit makes this far easier and it is therefore more likely that you will continue to meditate, thereby reaping the rewards.

3. Try to Meditate in the Same Place

Arranging a special corner or particular room for meditation also helps to establish regular, easy practice. When you go to that place you will find that you naturally want to meditate. Of course, you can meditate anywhere with practice but it helps in the beginning to have a quiet and special place.

4. Do not Meditate on a Full Stomach

After eating, most of us tend to feel sluggish as our energy is directed towards digestion. Meditation demands mental energy and concentration so it is better, if possible, to meditate at least an hour after eating. If meditating first thing in the morning, try to do so before breakfast. If you are really hungry, have a glass of juice or milk first.

5. Meditate in a Comfortable Position

It is important to sit upright when meditating as this allows the energy to flow freely through the spinal column. If you slump or slouch, this energy flow may be blocked which impairs breathing and diminishes your mental alertness. If you like, you may perform a few gentle stretches before meditating and it is also useful to experiment with positions.

You may find, for example, that you prefer to sit in a chair to meditate rather than on a cushion. With practice, you will find that maintaining good posture when meditating becomes remarkably easy and leads to increased flexibility in just a matter of weeks.

Follow these tips and you will experience a far more profound and beneficial meditative experience which will greatly improve your health and wellbeing.  Remember that twice daily practice is considered paramount and that meditation becomes better with each session.

About the Author:

Adi Atar is a Certified Hypnotist, a Reiki Master, a meditation expert, an international speaker, Personal & Business trainer, an online entrepreneur and much more. She has over 18 years of experience in personal and business development, Tai Chi & Qigong, Usui Reiki, meditation, spirituality and more. Her purpose is to be a source of inspiration and change for those who refuse to settle for anything less than an extraordinary life. Learn everything you need to know about Meditation in Adi’s Free Introductory Guide “What Meditation Really Is” http://yourlifecreation.com/free-introductory-guide-reveals-what-meditation-realy-is-and-the-easiest-way-to-start/

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