18 Nov When Traffic Turned Into A Stress Auction
Out on the road, your destination awaits along with the toll of driving to it. With meditation, we can find the perfect way to combat stress during peak hours of traffic. All you have to do, is hit play on our meditation courses and you can drive away, peacefully.
Every day on my way to work, I face a 3-minute long signal.
Yes! I have to wait for exactly 3 minutes ( I actually timed it! ) before the lights turn green!
And I call this eternal signal the ” Mad Max” because it’s Mad (ness) and Max (imum adrenaline) all at the same time, just to escape the red light.
Every car pretends to be at a race, speeding at full throttle as soon as the signal turns green, so that they avoid waiting another 3 entire minutes to move again. And it seemed like the drivers beside me were bidding for crossing the green light!
Going Once, Going Twice….Yay, I Crossed “Mad Max”
It was at this crazy rush of overtaking, speeding and testing one’s skill at avoiding an accident that I had a rude awakening: My stress levels were through the roof!
I realised that I had to change my perception of traffic and I wasn’t able to do so, without meditating for just 10 minutes everyday after waking up. I started by doing it in the morning and as much as possible throughout the day.
I slowly felt my body melting the stress away as I faced my Mad Max of a signal. I didn’t pay attention to the honking or the name calling, all I felt was serenity in the eye of the storm.
Instead of being perched in my seat watching the traffic lights, I only paid attention to the real task at hand: Getting to and from work safely.
Why do we act like a herd, uniformly accepting that stress is a part of daily life? Why do we push aside the need for taking a couple of breaths during crunch time? Why do we ignore stress?
If these are a few of the questions that you need answers to, the words of meditation will finally satisfy your curiosity.
Meditation during stress is like a harbor in the tempest, a river in the time of drought, a warm cup of coffee in the freezing tundra, it just beats the stress out of your life and helps you combat and ultimately emerge victorious out of even the most stressful situations.
Try to build a habit of being mindful and it will pay off during the most stressful times of our lives.
Nehita is a mindfulness expert who writes extensively on lifestyle management, wellness and ways to lead a healthier and a happier life. She is a part of Aware’s expert team on meditation. She is also an avid artist who spends most her time dribbling amazing stories through art.
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