21 Jul Can Meditation be a Medicine?

Men and women currently are living in an intoxicating period in history, with favorable circumstances that our forefathers and foremothers could scarcely perceive. Nonetheless, with this good fortune and liberty comes the extraordinary obstacle; the excess work pressure has taken a toll on the health of men and women. In the complicacy and entanglement of the present day world, it is strenuous to take charge of everything around us. However, it is credible to take charge of one’s own self. The most crucial out of which is our state of mind. Meditation is perhaps the best way to do the same.

Studies have found out that men and women are experiencing more stress-related signs of illness, such as headaches, depressions, and irritations. Studies have further proven that the damages caused by stress can be healed by practicing meditation. This will not only pacify the body and soul but it will also swallow up the nerve tension. Meditation is quite antithetical to stress because both of them function in the complete reverse manners. Meditation reconstructs the body to a peaceful state and it further prevents the body from any impairment caused due to stress.

Meditation is basically a channel for altering the mind and the soul.  It enables us to live a healthier and happier life, invigorating our minds like none other. Several researchers over the years have self-confessed that meditation is an unparalleled solution to most of the physical and mental obstacles we encounter in our daily routine. It acts like a machine to create balance in our lives. It makes us more attentive and heedful about ourselves as well as the environment around us. Meditation makes us witness connection; we feel more connected to everyone and everything around us.


“Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day,” says Dr. Sara Lazar, a Harvard Medical School instructor in psychology

Meditation is surely a consonant of medicines. With innumerable remedial benefits, meditation is a requisite in everybody’s daily routine. While mediating we intake oxygen effortlessly, thus resulting in a slowdown in the process of aging of our skin. This smooth intake of oxygen enables us to think faster, improves the immune system and accelerates the recovery process of our body.

Meditation helps in reducing the blood pressure. Studies have proven that downsizing our blood pressure to a decent level can diminish the risk of various high blood pressure related problems. Lowering the blood pressure calms the heart which reduces the chances of a heart attack or heart fail. Further, high blood pressure can put a strain on the eye and damage the vision. A regular practice of meditation enhances our vision.

A complete practice of meditation can take over from a painkiller or a tranquilizer. Meditation soothes the pain in our body. It has been proven that one session of meditation can reduce pain in our body by about fifty percent. The procedure works as it relaxes the pain experiencing parts of the brain and throughout that time boosts coping areas.

Meditation benefits in maintaining a healthy body and it serves as a cure for irritable bowel syndrome. Meditation is also known to enhance weight loss. Most people often indulge into emotional eating and binge on food even when they are not hungry. Meditation takes control of the irregular eating habit which results into weight loss.

Meditation improves concentration, augments the creativity of our minds, inflates our happiness and peace of mind and increases our intelligence. It is also known for curing anxiety and depression.

Knowing that it is health that is the real wealth, we should all include meditation in our routine life. Incorporating meditation into our daily routine without a shadow of doubt signifies a major minimization of our healthcare costs as it serves as the best medicine for most of the problems we encounter in the lightning speed we live in. The serenity and stillness meditation injects into our lives is the best medicine to our problems.

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