25 Sep Meditate To Sleep Better Before Competition

The day before your competition can be nerve-racking. Not only are you excited to go out there and give it your all, you’re also anxious about the story lines of the match/game/race- your strategies, are they going to go according to plan?

This is not an ideal mindset for anyone who NEEDS all the rest they can get before competition.

Here are 5 ways to meditate to sleep better, and have a good nights rest.

Number 1: If you get caught up with your thoughts, during bed time, simply say the words ” Mind, thank you for that thought, but now it’s time for bed”. If there any other mantra that you would like to use go ahead. But stick to the ones that are neutral. So ” We’ve got a big day tomorrow, let’s sleep” is an exciting one and not ideal in this case.


Number 2: A hot shower bath is a natural relaxant and great for winding down your mind and body for bedtime. While you shower, look for any tightness within your body as the water trickles down from head to toe.


Number 3: Mindfulness meditation is a great thing for you to do BEFORE going into the bed. So an hour before sleeping, disconnect from all electronic devices that stimulate your mind and get into a place of mental calmness by listening to a guided meditation.


Number 4: If you love to read, then read for an hour before sleeping. Again, setting your phone aside, or any other electronic device can do wonders for faster sleep. Choose a book that is not related to sports, so that you let your mind be engaged in something else.


Number 5: If you are still anxious, and have read all the way down here then…..just have faith. All the effort and training that you have put into this will pay off. Hard work always does. And when you go out there, always remember to live in the moment and not in the past.


Stressing about the future results or outcome is very stressful. Counteract that by reminding yourself to be in the present.

Exercises To Increase Focus During Competition

2016-11-15-19-46-35Nehita Abraham

Nehita is a mindfulness expert who writes extensively on lifestyle management, wellness and ways to lead a healthier and a happier life. She is a part of Aware’s expert team on meditation. She is also an avid artist who spends most her time dribbling amazing stories through art.

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