08 Dec Never Say Never To Meditation

What do you think of, when you hear the word meditation. Soaring chants of “om.” Hours…even days of silence and desolation at remote localities? However, these days, an increasing number of our friends and celebrity role models are touting the ancient practice for its revolutionary impact on their lives. Making it increasingly impossible for us to ignore it from our lives. The benefits are holistic and too widespread for us to ignore. Read on for some very good reasons for why we should all practise meditation regularly.

It’s For Everyone

Who should meditate? The list runs the gamut: Existentialists, Uber drivers, fashion models, , anyone who goes on Facebook. There’s no scenario where someone couldn’t benefit from meditation. After all, the Dalai Lama still meditates, and he’s already one of the most enlightened people on the planet.

Mindfulness meditation is a particular form of meditation that  is particularly approachable. Much like yoga, it can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of religious, cultural, or professional alignments, and has actually always been intended for “householders”—those with jobs, families, and responsibilities.


It’s Not Old Fashioned

Meditation’s mere mention used to result in people becoming edgy and recalling ’60s-era hippie stereotypes. However, more and more public figures are embracing meditation, which has brought the topic to the table and demystified it. Instead of it being perceived as some weird, esoteric thing, people hear about it, read about it, and are generally curious.

You Don’t Need To Spend A Lot Of Time On It

Feeling unconvinced that you’d be able to find the time? All you busy bees need not worry too much. Develop a regular meditation practice. That could be once a day or once a week or once a month. If students only do it once a day, or once every other day, they’ll still feel benefits. It’s better than not doing it at all.

You Can Never Fail At It

Good news for the beginners out there or anyone worried about messing up: Even if you perceive your meditation session to be a failure, it is still useful and worthwhile.

It Energises You

Beginners often report increased energy, calmness, and greater clarity right away, within weeks. An analogy to that is that of a glass filled with fizzy soda. Most of us operate at the top level of the glass, amid all the bubbles, excitement, and quickness. Meditating drops us down to the bottom of the glass, where the soda is calm. A “de-excited” mental state means that you will have more space to parse out the most important and pressing thoughts, and have better control over emotional responses, too.

It Helps You Reboot

This one should strike a cord for any millennials out there. For young people especially, it’s about being constantly plugged in, needing to be constantly available. Demands are high because availability needs to be high. That’s not going away! Social connectivity is only going to become more integrated into the fabric of our lives, as technology becomes increasingly miniaturized and more easily wearable. Learning how to reboot is essential, and sleep alone doesn’t necessarily cut it. Start adding meditation to your daily routine today.

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