
23 Dec Visualize, Visualize, Visualize this New Year!

We keep waiting on the world to change, and for that we have GOT to start dreaming and start visualize, a practice wherein you use mental imagery to achieve something!

Have you ever spent time day-dreaming about life when you were a kid?

Did you look up to your parents and wanted to be just like them?

Or was it your favorite superhero that made you dream of moving mountains with just words?

Whether it was in high school school and you were inspired to write an essay about what you want to be when you grow up or whether it was in college and you were figuring out life, dreaming and thinking about life, is actually a great thing to do as it improves imagination and helps you get more passionate about achieving those dreams!

A really great way to implement those thoughts and aspirations into reality is by visualizing the end goal.

Read on and you will be SO surprised at how many celebrities actually do this to make their dreams come true!

  • It improves your performance. Professional athletes—everyone from golfer Tiger Woods to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was a weightlifter before he became an actor—have practiced visualization techniques for decades, but mental imagery is also used by politicians, surgeons, musicians, and business executives to improve their performance. New York City psychologist Daniel Kadish says, “Everyone can use imagery to prepare for all kinds of situations, including public presentations and difficult interactions.”


  • It helps you reach your potential. Even if you imagine that you can run a 10K, that won’t actually make you physically capable of doing it, BUT full sensory visualization can help you reach your potential, as you’re reminding your brain to push harder and make sure you run that 10K!


  • If you’re sick, it can make you better faster. It sounds crazy, but if you visualize your body rebuilding itself, it will begin to respond. Sort of in the same way that a hypochondriac convinces himself that he is sick( let’s reverse that) , a positive mental imagery can improve your health.


  • It reduces stress. Similar to meditation, visualization is a form of relaxation. The simple act of picturing yourself happily putting on tennis shoes, strapping on your helmet, hopping on your bike, and going wine tasting by bike through France will instantly quiet your mind.


  • It brings joy into your life. When my friend was angry at work, thinking about the beach made her happy. While she wasn’t actually on the beach, imagining herself in that moment—the ocean breeze blowing through her hair, the hot sand under her toes, a cold beer in her hand—brought her joy


  • It increases focus. Anytime you’re sitting quietly and simply being one with yourself, you are improving your ability to focus. Why? Because you are no longer bound by the restrictions of your day. Many visualization meditations help you sharpen the mind as you enhance mental control over things like loosing your temper or binge eating. 


  • It can spark inspiration. Constantly thinking about writing that book will increase your chances of actually doing it. The visuals could inspire a story line that forces you to take action.


  • It boosts confidence. As you imagine yourself doing the things you want to do, you naturally begin to be more confident and believe you are capable of achieving them. Also, if you can visualize how you felt the last time you were successful, can become motivation to do the same, again!


  • It makes you more creative. A good mental image is a detail-oriented picture that invigorates all the senses. What do you smell? What is the temperature outside? What does it taste like? The more vivid the visual, the stronger the results will be.


  • It can help you overcome nervousness. If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming speech, visualize yourself giving the best most memorable speech ever. Imagine yourself in a great dress and everyone applauding after you’re done. Visualization is a safe and easy way to combat nerves and anxiety.


Now go kick some butt and make your dreams come true, and make this world a safer, happier place by sharing your thoughts of love!



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